Our New Mission: Good Words Inspire
Our New Mission: Good Words Inspire
As 2017 was coming to a close and another year of Soul Honey finished, I kept thinking about what I wanted this company to grow into. What I wanted people to think of when they thought of Soul Honey and what they told their friends about the company.
I keep coming back to the same thing.
I want people to think of positive, uplifting words that inspire. I hope you don't just simply agree with the words on our products, but that you take them into action and apply them to your life. Below, I am listing applicable life examples from several of our popular quotes.
"Wherever you are, be all there." -Jim Elliot : Get off your phone at dinner time and be present with your family. Moms, talk to your kids, ask them how their day was and young women engage in conversation with your parents. 10 years from now, you will be glad you had that conversation over sending that snapchat! :)
"Do small things with great love." -Mother Teresa : You know that elderly neighbor that is most likely lonely, go knock on her door! Right now. Get up and spend 15 minutes asking her how she is, if she needs help with anything, and most importantly, showing her that someone cars. It costs nothing and yet means everything!
"Live, and be happy, and make others so." -Mary Shelley : Be spontaneous and txt your gal pals to go on an adventure this weekend. Hike a mountain, go to the beach, try a new restaurant. Turn up the radio and sing at the top of your lungs! Enjoy life with the people you love most!
"You're even more amazing than you wish you were." -Colin Wright : Send an encouraging txt to you mom friend that has been feeling discouraged lately. To the girl at school that has family struggles at home. Let them know someone else thinks they are amazing, whether they believe it or not.
"Go into the world and do good." -Minor Myers Jr. : Stop thinking about it and finally commit to that trip to Mexico to build houses for the poor and needy. Invite someone new to sit at your lunch table. Offer to volunteer at a homeless shelter.
These are all life applications that are relatively easy to think of, yet I think we often lack in the execution of them.
So choose your favorite quote and wear it proudly. Let it influence small acts of love, kindness, and goodness that will overwhelm and change both your world and the people around you. I promise it will be a blast!
Founder and CEO of Soul Honey